Saturday, September 15, 2018

Easy Boston Cream Poke Cake

When I told him I made it for him, I could see pure happiness on his face.  So that made me happy too! Not to mention, he gobbled most of it up on his own in three days.  I did manage to get a few nibbles too, thank goodness I did when I did!

Boston Cream Poke Cake… It’s a very simple, luscious dessert.  Best part besides eating it, is it’s really hard to mess up this recipe, because it’s super simple to make.

It takes a cake mix, pudding and frosting and we can’t forget the pokes.  After all, it is a poke cake!
Boston Cream Poke Cake...yellow buttery cake  filled with a french vanilla cream pudding and frosted with rich chocolate. Beyond doubt, this is a very heavenly dessert

  • 1 box yellow butter recipe cake mix
  • 2 small boxes French Vanilla instant pudding
  • 1 tub chocolate frosting

  1. Bake cake as directed on the box in a 9x13 baking pan.
  2. Prepare the pudding as directed on the box.
  3. While the cake is still warm, use the end of a wooden spoon to poke holes randomly through the cake about an inch apart.
  4. Spread the pudding over the cake, pushing it into the holes.
  5. Refrigerate for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
  6. Remove the lid and seal from the frosting and microwave for 15-20 second intervals, stirring in between each interval, until the frosting can be poured, but not bubbling.
  7. Spread the frosting over the cake and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.

Recipe Notes
For home-made Chocolate Ganache Frosting:
  • 8 oz  (1/2 lb or 1 1/3 cup of ) semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • Note: If you want more ganache, use the full 12 oz bag and 12 oz (1 1/2 cups) of whipping cream.
  • Combine chocolate and heavy cream in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat for 2 minutes and stir. Heat for an additional 1-2 minutes or until chocolate is fully melted and whisk until well incorporated and velvety.  Wait about 5-10 minutes before adding it top of pudding on cake.
  • The ganache will thicken as it cools. When it’s completely cool, it will be thick and fudgy. You can reheat it to achieve your desired consistency.