Saturday, August 11, 2018

Oreo Milkshakes

This classic Oreo Milkshake is quite simply one of the best desserts ever!
This classic Oreo Milkshake is quite simply one of the best summer desserts ever!So today’s post doesn’t really need a recipe.  I mean, I’ve included one just for the sake of including one, but it’s really just 2 ingredients.  Oreos and vanilla ice cream.  How can you go wrong here??  It’s not like you can mis-measure the amount of baking powder or accidentally use cayenne pepper instead of paprika…it’s 2 ingredients, people!  Ok, I guess 3 if you count the splash of milk.  Although, truthfully, you could probably let the ice cream melt a bit and then you wouldn’t need the milk.  No matter how you do it, these Oreo Milkshakes are a classic American treat!
This classic Oreo Milkshake is quite simply one of the best summer desserts ever!I have really fond childhood memories of Oreos.  We almost always had a tin of them stuck in the cabinet that was just a little higher than I could reach.  (In hindsight, it’s probably no coincidence that my Mom kept the tin in a cabinet that I couldn’t quite reach…)  The tin was all black with a red poinsettia painted on top.  It looked like one of the tins you see for Christmas cookies, but all I know is that it held Oreos.  Lots and lots of delicious Oreos.  And whenever my Dad would reach up and pull down that tin, I knew good things were coming!
Speaking of childhood and Oreos, I used to take a bowl and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and 2 Oreos.  Then I’d use my spoon to break apart the Oreos and ice cream.  2-3 minutes of vigorous stirring later, I had something akin to soft serve ice cream full of crumbled Oreos.  I remember it used to make my parents so mad when I’d sit there and stab and stir at my ice cream.  Stab.  Stir.  Stir.  Stab.  But it was so darned good that way!  (And I’m not gonna lie, I still do that from time to time even though I’m all “grown up” now.)
This classic Oreo Milkshake is quite simply one of the best summer desserts ever!With this delicious Oreo Milkshake, there’s no need for stabbing or stirring.  Or poking or prodding for that matter.  Nope, I just let the blender do all of the hard work!  So here’s to perhaps the easiest recipe I’ve ever posted on Spiced.  Vanilla ice cream + Oreos = Nirvana (and no, not the band, people)!
Oreo Milkshakes
  • 10 Oreo cookies, divided
  • 3 cups vanilla ice cream
  • ¾ cup milk
  • chocolate syrup, to garnish glass
  • whipped cream (optional garnish)
  1. Coarsely chop 3 of the Oreo cookies to use as garnish. Set aside.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients (7 Oreo cookies, ice cream and milk) in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Drizzle chocolate syrup down the sides of the glasses and immediately fill glasses with milkshake.
  4. Garnish with whipped cream (optional) and crumbled Oreos.

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